This is another shot from our afternoon drive through the Northwest Highlands back in February and one that comes with a lesson for all visitors to this wild and raw part of the world.
We had pulled into the viewpoint car park overlooking one of the finest views along the road from Laxford Bridge to Ullapool, in my opinion one of the finest views in the world, overlooking the ‘cnoc and loch’, otherworldly landscape of the Duartmore Forest. There was another car, with a couple of lads doing what every visitor does here, taking photos and posing for selfies in front of that iconic view. Watching them from a small mound beside a picnic table was this chap. He could almost have been posing for them like the busking piper in the car park overlooking the Black Mount on the road from Glen Coe to Tyndrum. If he was hoping to be immortalised by these 2 visitors, however, he was out of luck – without even noticing his presence, their photos taken, the 2 guys got back in their car and sped off on their journey south.
Lucky for our furry friend, however, we were there to capture his portrait and give him his 15 fleeting minutes of Facebook and Instagram fame…
The moral? In this part of the world, please enjoy the obvious views from wherever you stop, but always ensure you look around. Our special part of the world can often surprise you!
W3W: ///troubles.scared.trespass
Canon EOS R5
Canon EF100-400 IS L